Introducing micro-credentials to the digital era of VET
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
01/2021 - 01/2024 (30 months)
319.223,00 €
Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Luxembourg, Bulgaria
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The project foresees to offer quality training opportunities that will address targeted needs and preferences, identified via multi-sectoral needs analysis, hence provide highly relevant and applicable training. The trainers will improve their capacity in developing and delivering courses linked to micro-credentials, and trainees attending the courses will validate the learning outcomes and increase their opportunities for professional development in a constantly changing labour market. The project results can substantially improve their employability, considering that microVET courses will address specifically identified skill gaps.
Objectives of the project
- Familiarize VET and training providers in general with the micro-credential approach so as to incorporate it in their regular training provisions;
- Build the capacity of trainers and training providers to uptake new, innovative approaches for the development and delivery of training, as well as for the validation of learning outcomes;
- Support the professional development and employability potential of learners/trainees through the provision of free microVET courses;
- Reinforce cooperation of training providers and the labor market actors to better identify skill gaps and shortages and address them through targeted training offers linked to micro-credentials;
- Strengthen transnational, cross sectoral cooperation for the identification of common solutions to European challenges;
- Promote the uptake of European tools for the recognition and validation of skills and competences, as well as the wider utilization of open online resources.
Expected Results
- A current status study report on micro-credentials:
- A methodology for the development of microVET courses linked to micro-credentials:
- A framework for micro-credential ambassadors:
- The microVET courses: the internal teams of training-related partner organisations will utilise the methodology to develop microVET courses that will be freely available through the microVET Repository.
- The microVET Repository: a fully accessible, open online space to host the microVET courses and encourage interaction among users will be developed and kept updated.
- The pan-European alliance for micro-credentials: the EU alliance for micro-credentials will be based on mutual support and commitment towards spreading the micro-credential approach.
Project Activities
- Methodology for the Development of microVET courses
- MicroVET courses linked to micro-credentials
- MicroVET Repository
- EU alliance for micro-credentials