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Theodor Grassos


Theodor Grassos is the Director of AKMI International and Secretary General of EVBB. Theodor is a member of two Working Groups of the European Commission as an expert: “Working Group on Vocational Education and Training and the Green Transition” and “Working Group on Adult Learning – Opening Up Opportunities for All”. Furthermore, he is a member of the Life Long learning platform, VET 4 EU2 group as well as the ETF Consultative Panel for the internationalization of CoVEs. Among his key qualifications are his hands-on experience in implementing EU projects of high value. Having implemented and participated in numerous projects, Theodor holds a strong knowledge of the current trends and strategies of the E.U. For more than 15 years, he has proven his extensive Knowledge of ESF and EU Education & VET strategies since he has successfully implemented various international cooperation projects.

Eva Vaiouli

Head of Development

Eva holds a BSc in International, European and Regional Studies, while she has recently completed her MSc in International and European Policy on Education, Training, and Research. She was born in Larisa, which is her “quiet place” and she often gets homesick, but she is secretly in love with Athens’ vibe, where she lives for the last 9 years. As a volunteer of the Hellenic Red Cross, where she has been a teacher for migrant children, and a hospitality aide for unaccompanied children, she has developed a great interest in Children’s Rights and Protection. Her friends and colleagues admire her for staying so calm in hard situations, while people on LinkedIn endorse her for teamwork and time management. However, she would prefer to be endorsed for her excellent performance in board games and her -not so excellent- vocal skills. She enjoys learning new things, visiting new places, tasting new flavors, and watching old TV series, and she cannot imagine a life without love, coffee and wine. She is fluent in Greek (mother tongue), English and French.

Myrto Siapardani


Myrto holds a degree in Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Since her early college years, she has volunteered in several youth organizations and she was very interested in exploring new places through mobility activities. She did her six-month Erasmus mobility in Cartagena, Spain. Within her current role as Head of Mobilities, she wishes to provide young people, students and staff members with mobility opportunities and transfer them her vision about becoming a citizen of the world. Her interests lie among Environmental Education, Non-formal Education, Green Skills and Social Media Management. Myrto loves cats and giraffes and her favorite hobby is yoga. She enjoys everything that has to do with food, from cooking and visiting various restaurants to attending seminars and masterclasses and organizing gastro-tourism trips, making her a passionate foodie. She is fluent in Greek (mother tongue), English and Spanish.

Andreas Tsalamatas


Andreas, holds a BA in Business Administration MSc in International and European Economics studies. He is working as a Financial Manager of EU Funded Projects. Ηe is fluent in Greek (mother tongue) English. Since his early age he played volleyball in his neighborhood team. His love for volleyball triggered him to became a coach in his neighborhood team and impart all his knowledge to young children. As a volunteer in the post-graduate years, he was member in AISEC and he tried to find free accommodation in hostels and hotels for European youth exchange programs. He wants to inspire young people to get engaged in volunteering for a greener planet. He is a food lover, an expert in Italian cuisine and he wants to taste different cuisines around the world. Also, he is charmed for black Rhum. His favorite color is blue and the sea view gives him more power to imagine, to travel in magic places, and to continue being creative.

Despoina Vlachou

Office Manager

Despoina holds a BA in International & European Relations from the University of Piraeus. She is the office manager of AKMI International. As an undergraduate student, she has volunteered in several Non – Governmental Organizations and Institutions. Despina is fluent in Greek (her mother tongue), French and English. She is interested in learning new languages and exploring new things. She laughs too much (and too loud), loves eating, and hates cooking (although she is good at it). In her free time, she tutors 2 elementary kids, who she adores. Unfortunately, she has come to terms with her obsession with coffee and wine.

Konstantina Laskari

Project Manager

Konstantina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social and Education Policy and a Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence. She embraces a relentless passion for discovering new horizons, so she has fueled her curiosity about learning new things by pursuing Erasmus+ mobilities. Specifically, she has studied Social Work at the University of Ljubljana and has performed an internship as a Policy Researcher and Project Manager at an NGO based in Budapest; dedicated to fostering inclusion for Roma children. Since last year she has been actively managing European projects with a strong focus on education and social issues. Beyond her professional pursuits, Konstantina enjoys spending time with friends, immersing herself in the vibrant atmosphere of trendy bars and finding the best spots to have brunch. She even has an ever-growing list of Athens’ finest places to go. Konstantina has also a special love for street photography which she explores every time she visits a different city. Konstantina tries to bring positivity to every project she undertakes.
Languages: Greek (mother tongue) , English (advanced level), Spanish ( basic knowledge)

Domna Kyriakidi

Project Manager

Domna studied international and European economic studies at Athens University of Economics and Business. During her time in university, she volunteered at AEGEE where she helped create a space for dialogue and learning opportunities by organizing workshops such as summer universities. This is where she originally developed a great interest in EU-funded programs and providing people with mobility opportunities. She is fluent in Greek, English and French, understands elementary Russian and has adopted the sweetest dog in the world ever, Elsa.

Yioula Papatsori

Project Manager

Yioula holds a BA in Mechanical Engineering while she has completed her postgraduate studies in Renewable Energy at Heriot-Watt University.
For the last 10 years, she has been designing, organizing and monitoring professional training programs. She has managed more than 15 national projects focusing on the empowerment of unemployed people, people of different ages, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups to remain or enter the job market. The EU-funded projects she has managed focus on education, social economy and entrepreneurship. She loves travelling and music and very often combines them by attending concerts abroad.
She speaks Greek (mother tongue) and English fluently.

Danai Nestoridou

Project Manager

Danai is a graduate student of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Peloponnese. During her undergraduate studies, she interned in the education department of an NGO. She has experience in various tourism projects and enjoys travelling, exploring new cultures, meeting new people, and trying new foods. Danai has participated in numerous Erasmus+ projects and volunteer organisations. If you can’t find her, she’s probably hiking in the mountains, close to her safe place – nature.

Marievi Gretsi


Marievi is a graduate of International and European Studies (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences) and is currently studying for her MSc in the scientific field of theology and the study of religion and culture. She is currently working at the European Department of AKMI Metropolitan College as a Project Manager in the context of skills anticipation and excellence in the tourism industry. What impressed her to become actively involved with the EU programmes is her desire to unlock future opportunities for young people in Europe. On account of this, she has gained extensive experience in project management of national, international and EU-funded projects focusing on skills development and career opportunities for young unemployed, entrepreneurs and socially vulnerable groups mainly in the blue economy sector. However, apart from the daily routine at AKMI Metropolitan College, she likes spending time with friends, usually cooking for them – yes, she is the chef of the crew – and taking care of her plants as she cherishes them. She likes to deal with everyday life with a sense of humour and to overcome all the challenges she encounters. She is a native Greek speaker, fluent in English and French. 

Vlasis Manolias

Mobilities Manager

Vlasis holds a BA in Greek Language and Literature from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, an MA in Language Education from Hellenic Open University and a post-graduate certificate in counselling and vocational guidance from the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education. He has been volunteering and working in NGO sector as an EU Project Manager-Volunteer Coordinator, Employability Officer, Educator and Human Resources Assistant. He is also an experienced Teacher of Greek as a second/foreign language. He has participated in and led various projects and trainings about education, intercultural communication and vulnerable groups such as refugees and migrants. He speaks Greek, English and a little bit of French. He loves dogs and enjoys travelling, theatre, and reading books!

Maria Koutsonanou

Development Manager

Maria’s background is in Psychology, where she holds a Bachelor’s and 2 Master’s degrees, in Clinical & Community Psychology and Research Methods & Evolutionary Psychology respectively. She has trained in existential psychotherapy and later explored substance abuse counselling, and political, critical, feminist and liberation psychology, to reach two conclusions. First, a growing suspicion that you can hack life by being both present and a “silly goose” and second, that she enjoys research (even –or maybe especially- googling random things, like the inner workings of a fridge). Being a junior Project Manager at AKMI allows for a combination of her passion for research along with her interest in intercultural human relations and actions that foster opportunities for education, inclusion and diversity. She speaks Greek, German & English and once upon a blue moon, took French and Spanish together, so as to fuse them and forget them. She is a serial crafter (knitting, candle making, cosmetics), jack of all but master of none, and her care language includes cooking for her dog and preparing song playlists for her friends.

Eric Kota

Development Manager

Eri is a licensed Psychologist (Protocol No. 915605) with extensive experience in developing, implementing, and managing projects across various European frameworks such as Erasmus+, CERV, CREA, AMIF, ESF+, DG calls, and Horizon Europe, as well as within National public and private frameworks like the Ministry of Health and the Bodossaki Foundation. He holds a First Class Honors degree (BSc Hons) in Psychology from the University of East London, along with an educational diploma in Digital Transformation from the University of Aegean. Currently, he is pursuing studies in Global Business Management (MBA) at the University of Derby. His interests lie in Human-Computer Interaction for Education, Emerging Digital Technologies for VET and HEIs, as well as, VET/HEIs Excellence, Active Citizenship and Cross-European Collaboration. His love for AI knows no bounds. Rumours suggest that he is secretly training AI machines to conduct therapy sessions for burnt-out chatbots.

Christos Thanopoulos

Project Manager

Christos holds a degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the National Kapodistrian University, and a MSc in Conflict and Development from Ghent University. He is currently working as junior Project Manager for EU-funded projects at AKMI. He speaks Greek (mother tongue), fluent English, and some German. He has previous professional experience in research, where he co-published policy briefs. He has participated in several simulations and conferences as speaker regarding international relations and conflict resolution, including concepts such as transition to democracy, transitional justice etc.

Dimitris Asiminas


Dimitris holds a BSc in International, European, and Regional Studies from Panteion University and has pursued further studies in psychology as a minor at Deree – The American College of Greece. He completed an internship as an Attache’s Assistant at the Permanent Representation of Greece to the EU, where he developed a great interest in European policy and EU-funded projects. Later, he was actively involved in writing, implementing, and monitoring EU-funded projects while working for the Ministry of Asylum and an NGO. He loves traveling and sports. He is fluent in Greek, French, and English.

Zeta Lazarou


Zeta holds a BA in Sociology from Panteion University and an MA in Criminology from Utrecht University. She specializes in minority rights, asylum and migration as well as in qualitative research. She has worked as a researcher for various academic projects in Greece and the Netherlands and has extensive professional experience in project management of European-funded programs. She is fluent in Greek, English, and Italian and she speaks a little bit of Arabic.

Xenofon Pasoulas

Financial Manager

Χenofon is a geographer (Bachelor’s degree in Harokopeio University) who somehow ended up messing with the financial management of national and European projects. He is an experienced GIS expert and has worked on several types of GIS projects such as the digitization of maps, geodatabase management, web map platforms and demographic data visualization for policy planning. For the last 5 years, he has been working as a financial manager in EU projects (Interreg, ENI, LIFE+, MED) and national projects (EPAnEK) in cooperation with private companies and research centres. Also, he has participated in Erasmus+ projects as an external partner of NGOs in dissemination-publicity actions. Xenofon is fluent in Greek (mother tongue) and in English. He is into mystery books and movies, but he loves fantasy and storytelling in music and whenever possible he attends concerts. His love for music made him badly want to play the guitar and that’s what he accomplished: to play the guitar badly…

Alexandros Sainidis

Project Manager

Alexandros holds a BSc in International European and Area Studies from Panteion University. Doodling keeps him focused during lectures and meetings. He reverse engineered this trait and discovered the benefits of combining sketches with knowledge. With this in mind he created his own blog (Pecunia et Bellum) where he composes and edits articles on International Relations and incorporates his original digital art. He advocates that Gamification is the best thing ever in education and he thinks that all students need strong Negotiation Skills. He likes hiking and he is currently registering to every marathon in Greece. He is a creative thinker and he believes that creativity is present in every process. Alexandros reads all the time. Buying new books makes him a happier person. At the same time he is anxious about all the books in his library he has yet to read. Also, he believes that 3D printing is the future. He is fluent in Greek (mother tongue), Russian and English. 

Eletheria Gravani

Communication Officer

Eleftheria, from an early age, loved languages and communication. So guess what…she studied Foreign Languages (English, French, Spanish) and Translation at Ionian University in Corfu. Then she continued with postgraduate studies in Journalism and New Media at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During her studies, she did several traineeships all over Europe, where she had the chance to visit Instagrammable places and, of course, made friends from all over the world. As a social media fan, she loves watching reels on Instagram with cats and dogs and spamming her friends with them. She is also a proud aunt of four dogs, so please avoid mentioning that you have pets when she is around because she could talk and show you pictures with them for hours. Her dream is to have her own travel show on TV where she will travel around the world, cook with local people and learn new languages and cultures.

Katerina Loukopoulou


Katerina has a BA in Political Sciences from the Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki. Before she joined AKMI International, Katerina was working in Non-Governmental Organization specializing in designing and implementing Corporate Social Responsibility Projects. She volunteered for 6 years at the YMCA of Thessaloniki as a Youth Worker. Katerina was born and raised in Thessaloniki but is totally in love with Athens’s boisterous cultural life, where she lives for the last 2 years. As a true example of Gen Z, she is up to date with all the music and art events, while she loves trying out new restaurants. She has a lovely cat that shows up at every Zoom Meeting she is in! 

Eirini Lepete

Office Manager

Eirini holds a BSc in Psychology and a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. Her studies, combined with her love for people, led her to want to gain more knowledge about people and their working environment. As a result, she attended and completed two training courses from Workearly for HR School and Talent Acquisition. She is the office manager of AKMI international. She speaks Greek and English. After work she loves going to the gym.If you ask her what her favorite season is, she will tell you it’s summer as walks and dives in the sea offer her peace and joy.

Eirini Aggeli


Eirini has recently completed her MA in Creative Writing, she holds a BA in Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, and she has a Translation and Interpretation of EU terms Certification in French. She has been a volunteer for environmental programs and she has participated as a leader and/or trainer in 14 Erasmus+ youth exchanges before she chooses the EU project running world as her career path. She loves travelling and she started her career as a cabin crew. So if you ever happen to travel for a project meeting with her you can make sure that you travel safely. She has also worked in an aquarium, developing educational projects for young learners – did you know that Nemo, the clown fish, finds their own anemone at the bottom of the sea and recognises it as their “home”? She has also lived in the Netherlands where she was working as a mobility project manager for French schools, practising her bicycle riding skills in winter conditions. She enjoys buying books – not always reading them, cooking Asian food, walking in Athens in August, discussing philosophical theories with friends and learning new hobbies. She loves her peace, and her headphones and she cannot imagine a life without her Spotify subscription.
(Languages: Greek, English, French, Chinese)

Fenia Konstantina Kyriakou


Fenia holds a BSc in Psychology and a MSc in Clinical and Community Psychology. At a younger age she was living in Athens, but now she resides in Thessaloniki. Volunteering has been in her life for the last three years, in which she has been involved in providing palliative care as a psychologist and also in the context of supporting older people experiencing loneliness. Her favorite season is winter, as she is crazy about the Christmas season. She enjoys spending her weekends with friends playing board games, in which she can become very competitive. Her friends characterize her as a great communicator but they often complain that she talks a lot. Fenia has two cats that she adores even though they often bother her during zoom meetings and important phone calls. She especially likes Asian cuisine and every time she has a hard day, she orders sushi. Fenia is a native Greek speaker and fluent in English. In her spare time, she tries to learn Italian and has recently developed the habit of making candles.

Victoria Topalidi

project manager

Victoria is a BA and MSc holder of International and European studies from University of Piraeus. Since her late school years, she has been an advocate of human rights. Her first contact with the European Union was on her last class of High School when she participated in a Youth Solidarity Day in Brussels. She has worked for International Non-Governmental Organizations and other companies of the private sector, before entering in AKMI International. Victoria speaks Greek (mother tongue), English, French and basic Turkish. She is a passionate traveller and a keen learner of new things. She loves travelling, reading literature – mostly historical fiction and detective stories – and attending theatrical plays. She also enjoys operas, ballet and tango performances as well as escape rooms. During the years, she has developed a great interest in sustainable and accessible fashion and hand-made accessories, especially huts, gloves and jewelery.

Marilida Tsiplakou


Marilida, with a background in Economics, as well as in Leadership and Management, is currently working as a Project Manager of EU Funded Projects. She is a musician and a piano player, with a soft spot for the music of the Romantic Era. As a volunteer, she coordinates the United Nations SDSN Hub of the University of Athens, wishing to raise awareness about the 17 SDG among young people, while also making the Campus more green and sustainable, through simple yet practical solutions. Since the first time she boarded a plane, she became a passionate traveler, having landed on three out of five continents. She loves visiting new places and seeking out new experiences, especially food-related ones, as well as getting to know people from all over the world. She is fluent in Greek (mother tongue), English and French.

Katerina Michou


Katerina holds a Bachelor in political science and history from Panteion University. She is currently working as a Project Manager for EU-funded projects at AKMI, and she is also involved with office management. Katerina is fluent in Greek (mother tongue) and English, but you’ll hear her laughing more than talking. In addition, she has taken French lessons in the past, most of which she has forgotten. She has experience in writing papers and in her free time, she offers volunteer work in various humanitarian organizations. Her interests lie among human rights, political communication, sociology, and International Relations. Katerina is interested in constantly learning new things and exploring new countries. She hates being photographed but enjoys to photograph other people and places. She also loves food but doesn’t like cooking at all. She adores all types of art but holds a special interest for cinema, literature, and summer concerts.

Aspasia Mousoulidi


Aspasia, with a background in policy analysis and sustainable development, is working as a EU Projects’ Manager. Since her late school years, she had participated in Model United Nations’ conferences, as an ambassador of sustainable development; She was involved also as a researcher in Student Association for International Affairs, as well as in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens’ annual journal of Political Science. For her an EU project is a policy response, targeted to people and communities that are left behind. Ever since she can remember herself, she was in a  dance and theater classroom. She adores pets, and especially cats. You will see her with her best friends in many artistic happenings in downtown. When summer is on the way, she is already in the airport, waiting to depart to a new place while listening to her favorite rock band “Pink Floyd”. She is fluent in Greek (mother tongue), English and German, and has a basic knowledge of Spanish and French.

Christina Triantafyllou


Christina holds a Bachelor in Humanities and is currently working as a Project Manager in EU-funded projects. The “exotic” (not) city of Agrinio is the place of her origins, and a small lovely village in Tzoumerka is part of her childhood summer memories. Her previous experiences are mostly related to face-to-face and online teaching in multicultural environments and the delivery of international youth exchanges. Life-long learning and creativity are some of the words that describe her, and topics concerning psychology, education, and social inclusion capture her interest. Christina likes volunteering and contributing to the support of vulnerable groups. She loves traveling, painting, reading books on philosophy and psychology, eating pasta, visiting museums, and walking by the sea on a sunny day. Christina is also so clumsy. So please avoid putting your devices beside her. She speaks Greek and English, and even if she has learned German, she can only recall a few words.

Christina Meleouni


Christina holds BA in Political Science and two master’s degrees in the field of international relations. She is from Nafplio which is her “paradise”. She is currently working at AKMI International as a Project Manager. Also, Christina is a volunteer of the Hellenic Red Cross in the department of Samaritans, Lifeguards, and Rescuers. She plays tennis and enjoys everything that has to do with food. She loves reading and enjoys listening to rock music as well as opera and classical music. Her passion is to attend to rock as well as operas’ live performances. In her free time, enjoys movies and theatrical plays. Her dream is to travel all over the world!!! She is fluent in Greek (mother tongue) and English.

Maria Kelepouri


Maria lives in Athens. She has been working for Erasmus projects since 2015 and currently is a project manager in AKMI International. She studied Political Sciences in the Athens Law School and Marketing Management in the American College in Greece and completed her MBA in the UK with focus on Creative Marketing. She is a firm believer in life-long learning and she works well under deadlines. She loves theatre, writing, cats, books, coffee, travelling, rafting and her two children, not in this order. She spends summer time in Mani in Southern Greece, next to the sea. She is a certified but inexperienced open sea Sailing Captain. She has more than 20 years of hands-on work experience in marketing, communication, and project management, but she is still trying to decide what she will be when she grows up. She speaks Greek, English and French.

Paris Valadakis

Web Developer

Paris works for AKMI International as a Web Developer. He is a highly skilled professional with 13+ years of experience in the tech industry. He specializes in web development, digital marketing, and system administration and is proficient in platforms like Joomla, WordPress, and Moodle. He has expertise in SEO, UI design, and database management, and has developed hundreds of websites. He is experienced in Learning Management Systems and SCORM content development. He is certified in computer networking with strong IT skills and a customer-focused mindset. In his free time, he produces and performs rock & heavy metal music, and enjoys travelling, cooking, and watching action movies. He is bilingual in Greek and English.

Georgios Fragkos


George holds BA in International Relations and International Organizations with a specialization in the Mediterranean region and a MSc in Geopolitics, Defense, and Security. He is Ph.D. candidate in International Relations and Foreign Policy analysis in the Middle East. He has been studying the regions of the Middle East and North Africa for 10 years, and he is a researcher for 6 years in various academic institutes. He was an intern at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he has been researching immigration issues in Europe for two years. His favourite activities are cinema, literature, and extreme sports. His philosophy is not to be stressed and not to worry too much. He gave up his career as a model because the European programmes won him over, and he works on this sector since 2020. He speaks fluent English and supposedly knows some words in French, and Arabic

Daiana Tsitso

graphic designer

Daiana has been working as a graphic designer for over six years. Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere Pro and After Effects are some of the editing programmes that she is an expert on. When it comes to her job, she aims for perfection and is satisfied with nothing less. She adores fat cats, nice food and anything that involves creation. She is passionate about every form of art and she loves making new experiences. Her restless spirit led her to take up dancing & drawing lessons. She usually finds herself engaged to reading a new book, enjoying nature or doing research on her work field. She prefers face to face communication over computer or mobile screens. If you do not know where to find her, she is probably cleaning her desk or sanitizing her hands. She speaks Greek and English.

Constantina Tsakalou


Konstantina is a BA holder of International and European Studies from University of Piraeus, while she has recently completed her Master in International Relations and Strategic Studies from Panteion University of Athens. As an undergraduate and postgraduate student, she has volunteered in several Non – Governmental Organizations and Research Institutions, as well as she has participated in MuNs (Model United Nations) Simulations. She likes writing, and she has published many articles on websites. She enjoys spending her time with her family and her friends, watching movies, and attending theatrical plays. Her dream is to travel all over the world, and discover new places. She loves animals, and especially cats. She is a food lover, despite the fact that she doesn’t know anything about cooking. She is fluent in Greek (mother tongue), English and French.    

Chryssa Vlachopoulou


Chryssa has been working on EU-funded policy projects for the past seven years. She holds an MA degree in Cultural Management and an Integrated Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She has a lot of experience in designing and implementing programs for skills development, mobility, knowledge exchange, and capacity building, specializing in the field of the cultural and creative sectors. She is currently exploring the tourism sector and skills partnerships building as part of her work in AKMI. Her artistic background makes her want to discover creativity in the most boring tasks. She is passionate about making things work and connecting people with things they love. She enjoys the sun, observing people, music, wine, food, and the sea. She speaks fluent English and she is currently taking online classes in French, hoping that one day she will be also able to speak French.

Marianna Mitsi


Marianna holds an MBA from the Agricultural University of Athens. She works as a Financial Manager of EU Co-Funded Projects. She speaks, besides Greek, English and French and she occasionally pretends she speaks Spanish as well. She loves humanitarian work and has done some humanitarian missions in several countries always as a finance. She loves swimming and going to the theatre. She loves travelling and wants to visit as many places as she can. She also loves and appreciates good wine.

Maria Kandilioti


Maria holds a BA in Finance from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc in Spatial Development and Urban Policy from the University of Thessaly. Her passion for arts and culture leads her to an MSc in Cultural Management where she opened her mind to an appealing new world.
She has devoted a lot of time working for non-governmental organizations and that equipped her with social concern and a great sense of responsibility against humanity. Also, she has built a strong network of interesting people. Over the past few years, she is working as an EU Project Manager specialising in projects about innovation, social cohesion, urban development, tourism management and others.
She speaks Greek (her mother tongue), English and Spanish. She loves to be a traveller and not a tourist, she enjoys exploring nature and she is doing yoga for mental health, energy and vitality. She is in love with Athens and tries to take all the advantages this city has to offer, most of the time with company but sometimes on her own and without feeling lonely at all.

Katerina Stergiopoulou


Katerina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a MA degree in European Politics from Warwick University. She is fluent in English, Greek (native speaker) and regarding her French, she claims in a lousy accent “Je peux comprendre mieux que je peux parler”. She has also taken courses in Spanish and Arabic but these ambitious undertakings did not lead to any level of fluency. She is currently an EU Project Manager at AKMI International and has prior professional experience in both the non-governmental and the private sectors. Since her days as a student, she has been an active volunteer at student associations and multiple NGOs. Environmental causes hold a special place in her heart. She loves aeroplane food, learning new things, and gaining new experiences. Her hobbies include pottery, mushroom hunting, and harry potter trivia games.

Ioannis Koutoudis


Ioannis holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Master’s Degree in Information Systems.
He has over six years of professional experience in designing and implementing humanitarian projects aiming to direct support or/and the development of skills for vulnerable groups. In 2018, he was certified as a non–formal educator for adults and has been enjoying teaching as a part-time educator since then.
Brainstorming, coming up with ideas, and analyzing problems/situations are among his favourite tasks at work, but nothing compares with the feeling of having something finished by the end of the day.
He loves cooking, he hates tidying up.
Among his somewhat many interests (from gardening to playing video games for hours), his true passion is consuming stories in any form; theatre, books, tv-series, movies, discussions, and every now and then by living them.