Circular Economy Youth Leaders
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in Youth
03/2021 - 02/2023 (24 months)
207.916,00 €
Belgium, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Cyprus, Serbia, Slovenia
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The aim of the CI-YOU project is to help further improve the level of green business culture in Europe by providing the youth with knowledge and concepts in the field of the circular economy. A need analysis, conducted before the project in the partner countries, showed that CE initiatives are few with limited social and environmental impact. This can be improved through an innovative ‘Circular Economy Business Model’ approach, based on the vision of a shift towards services and the transformation of jobs and skills for a resource-efficient, inclusive and circular economy.
Objectives of the project
- Lead the youth to CE and make it attractive for them so that they will be able to exploit career opportunities in this field;
- Develop a clearly defined CE business strategy for young entrepreneurs;
- Create flexible learning resources, capable of providing, evaluating and recognizing the key competence that enhance the youth’s capability to employ themselves in the CE sector;
- Enable young people, educators, youth organizations, policy makers and other stakeholders to understand the principles and benefits of CE to the environment and economy;
- Roll out the concept of CE Business on a wider domestically and outside the EU;
- Support integrated policies and address current barriers to the implementation of the principles of CE into businesses strategy and goals;
Expected Results
- 1 new business and organizational model: Circular Economy Business Model
- CI-YOU will be customized existing typologies of business models to the principle of CE
- Development of an interactive-learning platform, including the CE business model methodology
- Development & design of online available training material and a digital toolbox with tools for youth, entrepreneurs, NEETS and training providers covering CE and green entrepreneurship topics.
- 1 Training activity to train the trainers in Serbia
- 1 Training activity to train the youth on the CE Business Model (C2) in Belgium
- A high number of young people – more than 120 (unemployed youth, volunteers, circular/green workers, team leaders, staff at NGOs, entrepreneurs, trainers) will participate in the project by testing the pilot materials created
Project Activities
- 1 new business and organizational model: Circular Economy Business Model
- CI-You will be customized existing typologies of business models to the principle of CE
- Development of an interactive-learning platform, including the CE business model methodology along with attractive and innovative training materials.
- Development and design of online available training material and a digital toolbox with tools for youth, entrepreneurs, NEETS and training providers covering CE and green entrepreneurship topics.
- 1 Training activity to train the trainers in Serbia
- 1 Training activity to train the youth on the Circular Economy Business Model in Belgium
- A high number of young people – more than 120 (unemployed youth, volunteers, circular/green workers, team leaders, staff members at NGOs, circular and green entrepreneurs, trainers) will participate in the project by testing the pilot materials created