MSc in Energy Poverty Alleviation Technologies
Knowledge Alliances – Blueprint Projects
7/2023 - 7/2027 (48 months)
3.998.381,00 €
Greece, Austria, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Luxemburg
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Eldicare 2.0
Eldicare 2.0 is the continuation of the Sector Skills Alliance project “Eldicare: Matching Skills in a growing European Silver Economy”, which has been implemented from 2018 to 2021, also coordinated by AKMI S.A. Eldicare had a great impact for the elderly care sector, however the COVID-19 outbreak affected both the project activities and the elderly care sector. Thus, a new synergy, focused on the post-COVID era and the EC goals related to digitalization, green transition, entrepreneurial and soft skills of caregivers was decided to be developed.
In particular, more than the one fifth of the EU population in 2021, was over 65 years old. The higher life expectancy rates along with the low birth rates in Europe, are contributing to a change in the shape of the EU’s age pyramid. As EU population is growing older constantly, gradually more and more people become frail and dependent on affordable, preventive and curative long-term care. However, the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on older people – in terms of hospitalisations and deaths – has highlighted some of the challenges an ageing population poses on health and social care, proving that the long-term care sector was generally ill-prepared to tackle a health emergency of such dimension, as COVID-19.
What is more, as is demonstrated by the data we collected from the EU countries participating at Eldicare 2.0, in the next few decades, although the proportion of elderly people in EU countries is set to rise fast, along with the imperative for high-quality, long-term care, the proportion of working-age people at elderly care sector will fall significantly. Recent global and regional efforts, have reiterated the positive economic impact of the health workforce and the continued urgency of addressing health workforce challenges. In this respect, strengthening the workforce is essential to ensuring that health systems can achieve national and global health goals.
Thus, Eldicare 2.0, in line with the European Care strategy for caregivers and care receivers, contributes to make elderly care in the EU more available, accessible and of better quality for all, and upgrades professional long-term care services, rolling-out accessible digital and green solutions in the provision of care services, upskilling elderly care workforce with entrepreneurial and soft skills, ensuring high-quality criteria and standards for long-term care providers through a sectoral skills long-term strategy.
The project’s mission is to strengthen the cross-sectoral cooperation among sectorial partners and VET providers in healthcare, as well as to update the occupational profiles and competencies of professionals in the caregiving sector, providing a sectoral skills long-term strategy that will tackle skills gaps on the labour market and anticipate future skills ends.
Objectives of the project
- Develop a long-term skills strategy for elderly care professionals, by creating a Skills Ecosystem for Elderly Care workforce.
- Upskill and reskill the elderly care professionals, to be able to meet the growing needs of the ageing population.
- Upgrade the existing and emerging Occupational Profiles with up-to-date and essential skills for the elderly care practitioners, by focusing on the principles of digital and green economy, the entrepreneurship and a patient-centred care.
- Bridge the skills gaps of elderly care professionals, by analysing the skills mismatches at post COVID era, in order to ensure a common basis for the competences.
- Establish a methodology for addressing future skills needs, by creating a skills anticipation mechanism and developing policy recommendations.
- Provide new teaching and learning approaches, by creating competence-based courses, work-based learning procedures, employers’ handbook, with the use of micro credentials and the MOOC platform.
- Bring together education actors (VET providers, HEIs) with market representatives and umbrella organizations, by mobilizing and incentivising them to take action, in order to achieve a systemic and structural impact.
- Raise the quality and the attractiveness of training in the health care sector at a European, National, Regional and Local Level, by developing a common perception among the key stakeholders.
Expected Results
Eldicare 2.0 is going to produce the following results, during the project’s lifespan:
- Blueprint Report on the future Elderly Care Providers
- Set of new/updated Occupational Profiles
- Finalized Training Material
- F2F and online trainings conducted
- MOOC Platform
- National and EU Policy Recommendations Paper
- A turnkey for third countries
Project Activities
In addition to the horizontal activities of WP1 – Project Management, WP2 – Quality Assurance & Evaluation and WP8 – Exploitation and Dissemination Activities, in Eldicare 2.0 the following activities are going to be implemented:
- Post-Covid Impact Assessment to the elderly care sector’s skills needs (with emphasis on digital and soft skills
- Assessment of skill mismatches and upskilling and re-skilling needs of the workforce in the elderly care sector (with emphasis on green and entrepreneurial skills)
- Visioning the TO-BE Working Environment of Elderly Care Organizations
- Identification of existing Occupational Profiles in the elderly care sector that should be updated
- Drafting of the updated sets of Occupational Profiles
- Drafting Training Curricula for Re/ Upskilling elderly care professionals
- Adaptation of Curricula to country specific context
- Preparation of the Digital certification of elderly care practitioners with the use of Micro credentials
- Preparation of MOOC platform
- International Accreditation of the Curriculum
- Preparation of the Pilot Implementation Phase of the Trainings
- Piloting the Developed Curricula
- Evaluation and fine-tuning of Curricula
- Skills Anticipation Mechanism for the monitoring of future skills needs in the elderly care sector
- Policy Recommendations to strengthen re/upskilling of the elderly care workforce
- Eldicare 2.0 turnkey solution for third countries
Project Partners
- AKMI (Greece)
- AKTIOS (Greece)
- EEO Group (Greece)
- ACQUIN (Germany)
- BK-CON (Germany)
- APSS (Czech Republic)
- FNAQPA (France)
- Gérontopôle University (France)
- LARES (Spain)
- ÖJAB (Austria)
- BLOCKS (Bulgaria)
- DAYANA – H Ltd (Bulgaria)
- Eurocarers (Belgium)
- EAN (Luxembourg)
- ESN (Belgium)
- EVBB (Belgium)
- EVTA (Belgium)