Mobility in VET
Erasmus+ Second pilot VET mobility scheme for the Western Balkans
EAC – 2020 - 0863
01/2021 - 06/2024 (42 months)
999.948,17 €
Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Spain, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro
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Starting from the acknowledgment and analysis of the situation of Western Balkan area, MoVET project’s general objective is to contribute to the modernization of the Western Balkan VET system by promoting an upskilling and capacity building process of its staff and learners, through a combination of training and mobility activities and by activating a networking system with stakeholders from the labour market such as employment agencies, enterprises, companies and other economic players at a regional, national and international level. The MoVET project will focus on VET providers and Employment Agencies, for the identification of an internationalisation strategy for each WB partner, and the development of a comprehensive Sustainable Management Mobility Model.
Objectives of the project
- COOPERATIVE ADAPTABLE UP-SKILLING: Dedicated training for VET staff about mobility, technological enhanced learning, intercultural competences, Work Based Learning and VET Quality.
- MODELLING: availability of models of “learning mobility management from/to EU” sustainable and suitable for each WB partner.
- NETWORKING: enhanced networking capacity among VET systems/providers at national and transnational level.
- ACCESSIBILITY and INCLUSION: extended accessibility to training mobility abroad.
- SUSTAINABILITY: capability of VET providers to manage Erasmus+ mobility programs. The project will allow to share and transfer those good practices, thus guaranteeing non-EU countries’ partners the sustainability of their learning mobility plans beyond the end of the project.
Expected Results
The results described below derive from all project activities:
- 6 Internationalization Paths for each 6 WB partners (Guidelines)
- 5 webinars for managers for each country of reference, that willbe offered “live or on demand” to at least 30 participants for each.
- Sustainable Mobility Management Model (SMMM) for eachWB VET provider
- Activation of 3 “Go+Learn” local circuits (one for each WB country partner)
- 4 pilot mobility plans for learners of each WB VET centre
Project Activities
- 5 VET staff webinars for each WB country & 5 VET trainers webinars for each WB country
- 3 workshops in WB countries (1 in Albania, 1 in Kosovo, 1 in Montenegro) & 5 workshops in EU countries (1 in Italy, 1 in Spain, 1 in Germany, 1 in Greece, 1 in Belgium)
- 156 mobilities of learners involved in short term mobilities and 52 involved in long-term (3 to 6 months internships)
- 2 international conferences (one in Trieste (IT) on the SMMM, one in Brussels (BE) on the project results)
Project Partners
- ENAIP NET (Italy)
- EVTA (Belgium)
- AKMI S.A. (Greece)
- Centro San Viator (Spain)
- Wisamar (Germany)
- Odisee (Belgium)
- Professional College of Tirana (Tirana)
- AVETAE - Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, Kosovo (Kosovo)
- APPK (Kosovo)
- ZOPT (Montenegro)
- EAM Employment Agency of Montenegro (Montenergo)
- Vocational Secondary School Pljevlja (Montenegro)