Online Learning Engineering Environment
Erasmus+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
296.269,00 €
02/2022 - 01/2024 (24 months)
Germany, Greece, Romania, Spain, Slovakia
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In our rapidly changing times, research and learning practices are being advanced and transformed based on arising challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic and the multiple restrictions posed on learning practices have affected multiple sectors and disciplines. The need for a rapid redesigning of educational practices, which so far were dependent on physical contact, has never been greater. Various aspects of research-based learning can and should be re-designed virtually so that learners/ trainees whose learning and training activities have been disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic can resume productive and fruitful enquiries. To this extent, the project aims to create virtual labs and online tools for VET learners whose studies programmes necessitate lab-based work, as in the engineering sector, so they can resume their activities and complete their studies by virtually fulfilling their learning obligations.
Objectives of the project
- The designing and piloting of innovative online resources. In particular, delivering a Virtual Laboratory for Engineering lab-work activities
- Reinforcing the ability of VET providers to provide high-quality, inclusive digital education
- The promotion of networking and collaboration between EU institutions, sharing of resources and expertise
- Support towards the VET communities for the acquisition of digital competences
- Supporting the Engineering sector & building its resilience & digital capacity
Expected Results
- A new innovative training material will be created in OER form, compliant with DigiComp and specifically addressed to the needs of VET trainers and researchers. The training material will be available in 5 languages
- Approximately 100 VET teachers/ trainers will directly benefit from the implementation of the OLEE project.
- An estimated 70 VET providers will benefit from the project results. It is estimated that approximately 60% of the total individuals that will participate in the DigEdu+ training and certification procedure will come from VET centres and will directly benefit from the project results and outputs
- Active involvement of education stakeholders and policymakers.
- An innovative virtual learning laboratory for the engineering sector for stakeholders to further utilize
Project Activities
- Setting up the Online Experiments and Virtual Labs for Technical Professions in VET
- Development of Training Material for embedding Online Experiments in current training curricula
- Train the Trainers Package
- Development of certification for the award of a label of “Virtual Laboratory for educational skills in VET institutions