Promote Online Education for Agriculture in a Sustainable Environment
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
01/2021 - 11/2023 (24 months)
288.502,00 €
Denmark, Germany, Spain, Greece, Ireland
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POEASE is a project initiated in response to the significant impact COVID-19 had on ATVET (Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training) schools. During the pandemic, these institutions faced severe disruptions as practical, field-based education could not be conducted due to meeting restrictions. The limited digital skills of both teachers and students further compounded the challenges, leading to lower quality education.
The project’s objective is to enhance ATVET education by improving digital competencies and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. It aims to equip teachers and learners with the necessary skills to handle future emergencies and improve employability. POEASE is structured into three parts:
- Information Gathering: Collecting experiences from those involved in ATVET during the pandemic, including the tools they used and what they lacked.
- Developing OERs: Creating 21 Open Educational Resources (OERs) focusing on digitalization and sustainable agricultural practices.
- Peer Learning: Distributing these OERs to others to act as catalysts, spreading the material to a broader audience.
Objectives of the project
The following Objectives (O) are being addressed in the project:
O1: Reinforce the ability of ATVET providers to provide high-quality, inclusive digital education.
O2: Provide new upskilling OER for ATVET Teachers and Trainers.
O3: Building capacity for ATVET providers to implement online, blended and distance teaching and learning
O4: Develop high-quality digital content, promoting innovative methods and tools for e-teaching and e-learning for the members of the networks of the consortium and available for all
O5: Promote and deliver networking opportunities among ATVET providers O6: Development of tailor-made solutions adaptable at a Regional/Local level
Expected Results
R1: Better understanding of the actual needs of ATVET Teachers and Trainers (including the
institutions they are representing)
R2: Easier access to training modules for the upskilling of the digital skills and competencies of ATVET Teachers and Trainers.
R3: Better quality of learning content, complying with the design of 21 OER modules with DigiComp 2, the EU Framework for Digital Competences.
R4: Increase the learning experience for the ATVET learners, who are going to enjoy a better
e-learning environment and better training solutions/techniques that will help them to be
more competent in their professional life.
R5: Increase the accessibility to the OER through the large networking potentials emerging
from the collaboration of important stakeholders in the Agricultural and Environmental sectors.
Project Activities
PR1. Analysis of the framework for the ICT upskilling of teachers and trainers in ATVET with regard to Sustainability
PR2. Design and Delivery of the O.E.R. of POEASE
PR3. Delivery of Peer Learning of POEASE