
Raising the digital literacy of professionals to address inequalities and exclusion of LGBTQI community
Erasmus+ KA2
06/2021– 05/2023, 24 months
228.460 €
United Kingdom, Greece, Luxemburg, Portugal, Romania, the Netherlands
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the LGBTQI community. Lockdown, restricted movement, and curfews have been imposed across the globe, leaving the most vulnerable communities the most at risk. ILGA’s -Europe report issued after the first months of COVID-19 has stated that, while the virus does not discriminate per se, it is very clear that it hits marginalized communities disproportionally harder. In addition, social distancing and other prevention measures, as needed as they are, can have an unwanted negative impact. A study of LGBTQI people’s experience during the pandemic, by University College London (UCL) and Sussex University, showed that 90% of those who had experienced homophobia or transphobia suffered from depressive symptoms. Around a sixth of the respondents to the Queerantine study said they had faced discrimination during the pandemic because of their sexuality. On the other hand, professionals and frontline officers who stayed open during lockdown were not adequately equipped to address the needs of the LGBTQI population.
As an answer to the aforementioned challenges, the project aims to equip professionals in Europe with the necessary resources so as to be able to cope with the online technologies and social distancing for better serving the excluded LGBTQI population. This is a novel situation for the whole world, to which our proposed action will attempt to respond by using innovative tools and practices. With the introduction of an online platform and training materials tailored to the needs of professionals for the development of their digital skills, the project will contribute to the elimination of LGBTQI vulnerability and exclusion from health, mental health and social support services.
Objectives of the project
- Support professionals, relief aid officers, social workers, mental health and health care providers on how to better include intersectionality and LGBTQI perspectives in their work
- Enhance their acquisition of digital competences for the delivery of high quality and inclusive support towards LGBTQI beneficiaries
- Create an incentive for VET, adult education, professionals and stakeholders to adopt the project approach after its closure
- Strengthen transnational learning networks among institutions and professionals and foster social inclusion and equality of LGBTQI in health, humanitarian and economic relief efforts
- Raise awareness on medical and mental health inequalities faced by the LGBTQI community
Expected Main Results
The results described below derive from all project activities.
- VET programme for 100 professionals for developing their digital skills and shaping an intersectional approach in their activities
- Increased transferability of the project outputs and results for professionals, stakeholders, CSO’s, health care providers etc based on intersectionality and LGBTQI perspective
- An e-learning platform which will make the developed materials accessible by a wide number of professionals throughout Europe
- A sound and updated report in order to outline the specific inequalities that LGBTQI individuals faced in the participating countries under COVID 19 crisis and identify the level of professionals’ digital competences, in order to provide adequate services
- Establishment of a network among the consortium members, VET, and educational stakeholders on the one hand and organisations supporting human rights and LGBTQI rights on the other hand
- Increased awareness on the power and importance of better services for the excluded LGBTQI population as a result of the new situation that emerged from COVID-19 crisis through
-5 open days organized in the participating countries
-3 online workshops for VET and adult education providers
– An international conference organized in UK to present the project and its outputs to interested stakeholders - Enhanced know-how of all participating project team members on practices, terms, and tools for promoting LGBTQI inclusion in their work cycle.
- Enhancement of relationships between the partner organizations and CSOs, LGBTQI associations, networks and stakeholders at national and EU levels.
Project Activities
COVID 19 crisis
Implementation phase includes:
(Month 8-14)
3. Development of the VET programme for professionals (including methodology, course syllabus, learning activities, outcomes, assessment type);
4. Development of the online platform;
5. Pilot testing activities
(Month 15-24)
6. delivery of the VET programme, with selection of trainers and trainees
7. Targeted multiplier events and final conference
Project Partners
- CCW - Training Academy Limited -United Kingdom
- AKMI Katartisi Ekpaideusi Anonimi Etaireia - Greece
- NOVEL GROUP SARL - Luxemburg
- SYMPLEXIS - Greece