Recruiting and retaining the staff in social services
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
01/2022 - 12/2024 (28 months)
120.000,00 €
Austria, Czechia, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Spain
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The main goal of the project is to collect examples of good practices in the area of recruiting and retaining the staff in the social service sector and develop tools which will help HR specialists, managers and home directors choose proper jobseekers and stabilise the sector by retaining experienced workers. Our project will reflect the fact, that around 8 % of the LTC workforce are foreigners, equivalent to half a million people of which 3.5 % are mobile EU citizens and 4.5 % are third-country nationals.
Objectives of the project
Social services are one of the biggest job creators in Europe today and contribute to empowering all people to play an active role in society. The main goal of the project is to collect examples of good practices in the area of recruiting and retaining the staff in the social service sector and develop tools which will help HR specialists, home directors and managers choose proper job seekers and stabilise the sector by retaining experienced workers.
Expected Results
The project’s outcomes will seek to ensure that HR specialists, managers and home directors reflect on the current approach to employees in the care facilities and, if necessary, re-evaluate some aspects of their work with them on the basis of good practice from abroad. This project will have 4 outcomes: a catalogue of good practices examples; a vocational training curriculum; “How to videos” and a training programme in person for vocational education.
Project Activities
Our unique mix of partner organisations wants to build on the complementarity of experiences, skills and competencies. The main goal of the project is to contribute to the stabilisation of the labour market in social services. This will be achieved step by step based on identified good practices in 6 European countries from the grass root level and will be shared among the members of the project partnership. It will be developed 4 outcomes based on personal visits and experiences of partners.