Pact for Tourism Skills – Towards a greener and a more digital Tourism Era
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
01/2023 - 02/2025 (24 months)
680.466,00 €
Germany. Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Belgium
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TOURing is a project directly linked to the scope of the call outlined in the E+ Guide’s “Purpose of Action” section . Our project fosters innovation in the tourism micro and small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sectors, with a focus on sub-sectors related to sustainable tourism. We also promote sustainable and digital tourism business models, and our project activities identify innovations that can be implemented across the sector.
Our project activities include the alignment of findings with the DigiComp2 and GreenComp, the development of a self-assessment tool to identify skills gaps in micro and SMEs at the company and employee level, the creation of a funding toolkit, and the use of Microcredentials in the tourism sector for the first time. By embracing the cooperation between educational providers (including training companies, vocational education and training institutions, and higher education institutions) and tourism sector representatives, we ensure the transfer of innovative products.
Objectives of the project
- to increase skills anticipation of Tourism micro-small-medium-enterprises in the post-covid environment;
- to support the upskilling of micro & SMEs Managers and Owners in the tourism sector in order to foster their resilience and their ability to bounce back quickly from future potential challenges
- to foster the micro-SMEs’ capacity to offer updated tourism-related training programmes to their staff, focused on digital and green skills, adapted to their specific needs and demands;
- to increase the micro & SMEs’ access to EU & national funding tools in order to boost future investments in digital and green transitions as well as in human workforce skills development;
- to contribute to the skills & qualifications harmonization and mutual recognition of the tourism sector between EU countries;
- to enhance their capacity to innovate by creating diversified tourism products and by adopting sustainable tourism models within their operations, reducing at the same time their impact on the environment and climate;
- to foster National and transnational collaboration among all partnering stakeholders in order to contribute to the attractiveness of tourism professions and to increase the image of VET
- to contribute to the European Green Deal and Digital Education Action Plan, as well as, the Pact for Skills towards a fair and resilient recovery of the Tourism Sector in a post-covid environment.
Expected Results
The following results (R) are going to be achieved:
- Tourism Sector New Skills Set for the digital and green transition of micro & SMEs in the post-covid environment
- Self-assessment tool for micro-SMEs
- A digital toolkit for the upskilling of micro & SMEs
- Curricula for the upskilling of Tourism micro & SMEs
- Funding toolkit
- Skills validation mechanism with the use of micro-credentials in the Tourism micro & SMEs
‘’Looking forward’’ White Paper for micro & SMEs
Project Activities
The project will engage the Tourism ecosystem as a whole through different sets of activities: roundtables and interviews through different approaches (discussion either structured or non structured) as well as focus groups. Furthermore, the partnership will develop innovative training content to address the skills gap identified and it will make it available through its VET providers. Finally, it will create a set of tools aiming to support the full economic recovery of the SMEs in the ecosystem.
Project Partners
- European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) – Lead Partner (Germany)
- AKMI S.A. (Greece)
- BK CONSULT GmbH (Germany)
- IMEGSEEVE (Greece)
- EfVET (Belgium)
- RDFA (Greece)
- EVTA (Belgium)
- OpinionAction (Cyprus)
- INSIGNARE (Portugal)
- POVEK (Cyprus)
- APRO (Italy)