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- Capacity Building
- WeB-Nimbus
01/12/2024 - 30/11/2027 (36 months)
799,747.46 EUR
Greece, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Kosovo
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WeB-Nimbus aims to address the digitalization gap in HEIs in Albania and Kosovo by implementing innovative educational activities. More specifically, WeB-Nimbus seeks to improve the quality of higher education by developing and standardizing an MSc program and the LMS platform that will host the online stand-alone courses in Cloud and Edge Computing. This initiative has a goal to bridge the gap between industries’ needs and HEIs’ current capabilities, enhancing their capacity to address regional and national social and economic needs. The WeB-Nimbus project is highly relevant to the contexts of Albania and Kosovo, as the development of cutting-edge curricula on Cloud and Edge Computing will respond to the industry needs, while young students will be equipped for jobs that are in high demanding, promoting thus economic growth.
Objectives of the project
The WeB-Nimbus project aligns closely with the general objectives of the call:
- Improve the quality of HE and enhance its relevance for the labor market and society.
- Improve the level of competences, skills, and employability potential of students in HEIs by developing new, relevant, and innovative education programs.
- Promote inclusive education, equality, equity, non-discrimination in HE.
- Enhance teaching and assessment mechanisms, innovation, knowledge base, and digital capacities.
- Increase the capacities of HEIs to modernize their education systems.
- Improve the training of teachers and continuous professional development in order to impact the longer-term quality of the education system.
- Stimulate cooperation of institutions, capacity building and exchange of good practice.
- Foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives.
Furthermore, the specific objectives of the project are the following:
- Reduce / tackle the gap in tailored HEI curricula in cloud technologies by creating postgraduate educational programs based on latest advancements that meet the evolving industry demands on beneficiary countries.
- Enhance the digital readiness of professionals with an ICT background, through a future-proof approach, to enhance their employment prospects, reduce academic drop-outs and effectively meet the growing demands of cloud computing in the local, regional, national, and even European markets.
- Strengthen academic capacities and professional development of HEI staff in the beneficiary countries on best pedagogical methodologies for the successful delivery of advanced digital cloud computing education & training programs, promote peer-learning and foster the modernization of the HEIs in providing industry-centric advanced digital education.
- Strengthen academic-industry relations on HEIs of beneficiary countries and promote HEIs to develop a more industry-centric learning engagement and reduce the brain drain of qualified students.
- Facilitate cloud computing regulatory reform in Albania and Kosovo by analyzing existing frameworks and advocating tailored policy changes.
Expected Results
The WeB-Nimbus project is expected to deliver the following key results:
- Cloud and Edge computing Curriculum Innovation Blueprint
- Policy Advocacy Reports on Cloud Computing Regulatory Reformation.
- WeB-Nimbus MSc Curriculum EQF Level 7 / ECTS 60
- WeB-Nimbus LMS that will host online specialised Stand-alone Courses EQF level 7
- Complete WeB-Nimbus MSc Teaching Package
- Work-Based Learning Strategy and Employer Engagement Methodology
- Academic Staff Capacity Building Report
- Academic Accreditation of the WeB-Nimbus Joint MSc in each beneficiary country
The activities of the WeB-Nimbus project are divided into six key Work Packages (WPs), each comprising a set of tasks designed to achieve specific outcomes:
- Work Package 1: Project Management & Quality Assurance and Assessment
- Work Package 2: Assessment of Cloud and Edge Computing Curricula and Latest Technological Development in EU and Regulatory Framework Analysis
- Work Package 3: Development of WeB-Nimbus Academic Program & Online Specialised Stand-Alone Courses
- Work Package 4: Preparation and Development of MSc Teaching Materials and Academic Staff Capacity Building on Delivery of Material
- Work Package 5: Delivery of MSc Program and Online Stand-Alone Courses and WeB-Nimbus JOINT MSc Accreditation
Work Package 6: Dissemination & Exploitation
Project Partners
- University of West Attica (UNIWA)
- Metropolitan College
- University Ramon Llull (URL)
- University of Aveiro (UoA)
- Aleksander Moisiu University Durres (UAMD)
- University of New York Tirana (UNYT)
- European University Tirana (UET)
- University “Isa Boletini” Mitrovica (UIBM)
- International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM)
- Universum International College (UNI)
- Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Kosovo (MESTI)