#Cancel GBV in Basket - Kick-off-Meeting in Athens
We are very excited to announce the start of our Erasmus+ Sports project #Cancel Gender Based Violence in Basket (CGBV in Basket), primarily aiming to combat gender-based violence and discrimination in basketball.
The kickoff meeting of the CGBV in Basket project took place between the 18th and 19th of January 2023, in Athens, hosted by the Hellenic BasketBall Federation and with the participation of the Basketball Federations from Cyprus (Cyprus Basketball Federation), Bulgaria (Bulgarian Basketball Federation) and (North Macedonia Basketball Federation) North Macedonia, @Universal Education (AKMI) and the Center for Social Innovation – CSI.
#Cancel GBV in Basket intents to combat GVB and discrimination in basketball, so as to eliminate each form of gender-based discrimination and prejudice in the field of basketball, through the provision of an upskilling curriculum to coaches, empowerment activities to athletes, as well as a case management system that will be established in basketball.
Stay tuned for more updates!