Erasmus+ CoVE - Centres of Vocational Excellence
06/2023 - 06/2027 (48 months)
3.946.886,00 €
Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Austria, Italy, Greece, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Turkey
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The ERASMUS+ CoVE – Centres of Vocational Excellence AI4VET4AI (AI-powered next generation of VET) project addresses the need for a skilled workforce in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in Europe.
The project will close the current skills gap by incorporating new innovative teaching content and methods into vocational education and training (VET) curricula in the field of AI.
AI4VET4AI covers 11 European countries and aims to increase the number of AI-competent workers.
The project will be implemented in 11 European countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Austria, Italy, Greece, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland and Turkey) and 18 NUTS2 regions of the EU to promote the growth of AI professionals.
The partnership structure is cross-sectoral and brings together VET providers (universities, colleges, high schools and VET centres), research institutions, companies and stakeholders from the civil society sector.
The project is co-funded by Erasmus+, CoVE – Centres of Vocational Excellence and the project consortium AI4VET4AI – AI-powered next generation of VET, which is coordinated by Algebra University College and consists of twenty-six partners in eleven countries across Europe.
Specific objectives of the project
The main objectives of the project are as follows:
- Contribute to the development of the scale and scope of industrial application of AI technologies by supporting the growth of AI-skilled labour in Europe.
- Address the systemic challenges of skills mismatch with AI technology
- Providing regional responses to job losses due to changes in economic composition and employment.
- Project Activities
The project is organised into work packages (WPs), which consist of related tasks aimed at structuring, planning, and managing the project effectively. Each work package includes a series of activities, deliverables, schedules, and resources needed to achieve the project goals.
During its implementation, the AI4VET4AI project will endeavour to meet the identified needs through the following activities and processes:
The project is structured around 10 WPs and several key activities.
WP1: Project Management and coordination
WP2: Identifying regional and national AI-related skill gaps
- A 2.1 Research methodology
- A 2.2 Transnational research report: Regional and national AI-related skill gaps
- A 2.3 Recommendations for VET curriculum and syllabus development
WP3: Raising awarness of AI skills for job opportunities
- A 3.1 Handbook: How to engage different AI-related stakeholders in VET ecosystems
- A 3.2 Recommendations on trustworthy AI
- A 3.3 Data-sets for VET teaching
WP4: Curriculum/syllabus development for AI skills in VET
- A 4.1 Curricula for IVET and CVET learners on AI-related skills
- A 4.2 Curricula for IVET and CVET teacher training on AI
- A 4.3 Methodology on AI use-case presentations for VET teaching purposes
WP5: Developing project-based AI teaching content
- A 5.1 7 MOOCs for IVET learners on AI-related skills
- A 5.2 Teacher training materials for IVET on AI-related skills
- A 5.3: 18 AI use-case presentations for IVET
WP6: Learning factory for adult-learning in AI
- A 6.1 Learning factory for CVET on AI-related skills
- A 6.2 Teacher training materials for CVET on AI-related skills
- A 6.3 10 AI use-case presentations for CVET
WP7: International AI VET campuses
- A 7.1 Launch plan for AI VET campuses
- A 7.2 Report on organised AI VET campuses
- A 7.3 Facilitator Handbook for replication of AI VET campuses
WP8: AI innovation incubators for VET learners
- A 8.1 Launch plan for AI innovation incubators for VET learners
- A 8.2 Report on organised AI innovation incubators for VET learners
- A 8.3 Handbook on replication on AI innovation incubators for VET learners
WP9: “How-to” for linking AI VET with employment and social policies
- A 9.1 Report on the role of VET in the Age of AI
- A 9.2 Micro-credential certification preparation
- A 9.3 Sustainability plan
WP10: Communication and Dissemination
Project Partners
- Tehnicka skola Cakovec
- CroAI
- Univerzitet Metropolitan
- Network Development Hub
- Sensorik Bayern
- Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Inercia Digital
- AlterContacts
- Faculteta Novo Mesto
- Solvership
- Rudolfovo
- Griffith College
- Anser
- Kelyon