ALLinErasmus – Promoting participation in Erasmus for students at risk of social exclusion
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- ALLinErasmus – Promoting participation in Erasmus for students at risk of social exclusion

Promoting participation in Erasmus for students at risk of social exclusion
KA210-VET - Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training
01/06/2023 - 01/12/2024 (18 months)
60 000,00 €
Greece, Spain, Latvia
ALLinErasmus is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which aims to increase the participation of VET students at risk of social exclusion in Erasmus+ mobilities, by providing training content and tools to the VET professionals managing Erasmus+ mobilities.
The project targets VET educators in charge of managing Erasmus+ mobilities, helping them learn how to reach and integrate students at risk of social exclusion in the different stages of Erasmus+ mobilities.
Objectives of the project
#ALLinErasmus has, therefore, the following objectives:
- Providing VET professionals with training on the meaning behind “social exclusion”
- Increasing the interest in Erasmus+ mobilities of students at risk of social exclusion
- Facilitating the access to mobility opportunities among students at risk of social exclusion
- Increasing participation of students at risk of social exclusion in Erasmus+ mobilities
- Assisting VET professionals in charge of managing Erasmus+ mobilities in their centres
Expected Results
The expected results at project completion include:
1. ALLinErasmus Toolkit with:
- Theoretical guideline to understand the meaning of “social exclusion”,
- Practical guideline to assist VET trainers
- Best Practices
2. A two-step Simulation:
- Step one: simulation carried out with teachers from the consortium
- Step two: other centres and countries
The creation of the Website and the social media of the project.
Project Activities
The project consists of 2 main activities:
Activity 1 : Toolkit
- Part 1: Theoretical guide on the meaning of social inclusion, and the aspects determining is at risk of social exclusion. It will provide an explanation for VET teachers to acquire a vision on this topic.
- Part 2: Practical guideline on how to include people at risk of social exclusion in mobilities. It will include tips on attracting them during the different stages of the mobility.
- Part 3: Collection of Best Practices (BP) at European level. VET educators will see how other VET centres included the target group in mobilities. Students from the target group will see how other students have enjoyed the mobilities. It will also be accessible from the website independently.
Activity 2: Simulation
- It will test the content created is in line with the real-life objectives and daily activities of the target group. It will act as future example for users on how to use the Toolkit, while serving as piloting for the consortium.
- The Simulation will cover different actions:
- Simulation Planning: it will help partners carry out the actions inside Activity 2 and it will provide future users the steps to carry out a simulation in their own schools.
- First step of the Simulation: internal face-to-face simulation in the participating centres. Partners will carry out a simulation with their teachers, to test how the content of the Toolkit would work if they had to carry it out in two different classes.
- Second step: simulation with associated partners. Partners will involve two additional VET schools to do the testing. Additional VET schools will be from any EU country, not necessarily from the consortium countries.
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