Digital Skills for Small – Medium (SMEs)
ToURISM Enterprises
Funding Programme
Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training
01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024 (12 months)
60.000,00 €
Project Number
Germany, Greece
The e-tourism project aims to support tourism SMEs (which are either family-run or operated by small teams of staff who lack the required skill set to perform) in order to develop the necessary digital skills as a way of dealing with the disruption that was caused by the pandemic during the last three years and with a view on the modern business settings that have been shaped in the recent years, through the training of VET students and educators.
Objectives of the project:
- Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity: taking into consideration that touristic flows will be boosted in the years to come (reflecting the need of people to resume their activities after COVID-19) and the ever-increasing reliance of people to digital applications for choosing accommodation, booking their rooms or making their reservations, this project aims to support the development of digital skills among the VET students and teachers at the tourist sector, in order to help them adapt into a competitive and globalized market.
- Adapting vocational education and training to labor market needs: this project will offer consolidated training for VET students and teachers in the tourism sector as part of a lifelong learning process that will help them enhance their professional capacities along with their future employability. In addition, our project is going to support the VET providers in the adaptation of their training, offer to changing skills needs, in the context of the digital transition.
- Improving the availability of high-quality, flexible learning opportunities for adults: in the context of this project an online Curriculum will be created for the development of sector-specific digital skills for VET teachers and students, in the tourism field, addressing their emerging learning needs which are currently being neglected due to lack of resources or expertise to search for learning opportunities.
Expected Results
- Bridging the tourists’ needs with the offered services of the providers by conducting field research among tourism entrepreneurs and stakeholders.
- Designing an online modular Curriculum for the development of sector-specific digital skills for VET students and teachers.
- Testing the acquired theoretical knowledge by implementing a series of blended training sessions (online + face-to-face).
- Raising awareness of the benefits coming from digital transformation of the tourism sector.
Project Activities
A1. Project Management
A2. Field Research with tourism enterpreneurs & stakeholders
A3. Online Modular Curriculum
A4. Blending Training Sessions
A5. Dissemination
A2. Field Research with tourism enterpreneurs & stakeholders
A3. Online Modular Curriculum
A4. Blending Training Sessions
A5. Dissemination