EUCLASS Alliance: bridging EU Vocational Schools for EU Education
Jean Monnet Networks in other fields of education and training
04/11/2024 – 3/11/2027 (36 months)
Italy, Greece, Estonia, Finland, The Netherlands, Spain
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EUClass Alliance
The EUCLASS Alliance tackles the challenges of incorporating European Citizenship Education into Vocational Education and Training (VET) environments. A significant issue is the limited understanding of VET teachers regarding this subject, alongside the challenges in engaging VET students with broader academic topics. Consequently, citizenship education within Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) programs often receives insufficient focus, which can lead to decreased political involvement among vocational students.This initiative, which includes eight organizations from six EU countries, seeks to enhance the EU aspect of IVET programs, boost teachers’ skills, enrich students’ understanding of EU citizenship, and promote collaboration among European VET institutions.
Objectives of the project
The EUCLASS Alliance project has established specific objectives to tackle the integration of European Citizenship Education into Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs:
1. Strengthening the EU Dimension in VET Programs: This goal aims to incorporate EU-related content into the standard training and educational offerings of VET institutions, targeting a 20% increase in EU content within VET curricula by the project’s conclusion.
2. Enhancing Teachers’ Competencies: The project seeks to equip VET teachers with effective materials and teaching strategies for imparting knowledge on the European dimension. Success will be evaluated through improvements in students’ skills, knowledge, and perceptions of the EU, measured at both the start and end of the project.
3. Boosting Students’ Knowledge and Engagement in EU Citizenship: The initiative will actively engage students in learning about EU policies, rights, and responsibilities to encourage their development as informed and active citizens within the EU.
4. Fostering Collaboration and Establishing a Sustainable Network: The project aims to create a durable network of VET institutions that share best practices and innovative teaching methods, with success evaluated based on the network’s organizational structure, collaborative activities, and sustainability plans.
This initiative presents a significant opportunity for VET institutions to enhance their curricula with EU-focused content, supporting both teachers and students while addressing broader European challenges. By providing teacher training, developing educational resources, and promoting active student engagement in EU citizenship, the project contributes to internationalization, citizenship education, and comprehensive student development, paving the way for a sustainable future in EU citizenship education.
Expected Results
The results that the EUClass Alliance project aims to achieve are the following:
1. Comprehensive Needs Analysis Report (WP2)
– A detailed mapping of best practices and an analysis of the needs of VET teachers and students regarding EU Citizenship Education across partner countries.
– Identification of gaps and opportunities for integrating EU content into VET curricula.
2. Customized Train-the-Trainer Program (WP3)
– Development of a validated training program for VET teachers, including innovative methodologies and educational materials to embed EU topics effectively in their teaching.
3. Educational Materials Co-Created by Teachers (WP4)
– Creation of practical, EU-focused teaching resources tailored to the needs of VET students, developed collaboratively by teachers during training sessions and summer camps.
4. Enhanced Teacher Competencies (WP4)
– Improved skills and confidence among participating VET teachers in delivering EU-focused content, supported by training and co-creation activities.
5. Pilot Implementation Report (WP5)
– Successful testing and refinement of educational materials with at least 600 students across partner VET institutions.
– Documentation of pilot outcomes, including lessons learned, effectiveness of resources, and recommendations for further improvements.
6. EU-Focused Events and Activities for Students (WP5)
– Organization of impactful activities such as Eurodays, dialogues with EU officials, and educational excursions to enhance students’ understanding of the EU and its relevance to their lives.
7. Sustainable Network of VET Institutions (WP6)
– Establishment of a collaborative network among partner VET institutions for continued sharing of best practices and innovative teaching methodologies.
8. Dissemination and Sustainability Strategy (WP6)
– Comprehensive dissemination of project results through various channels to reach stakeholders, ensuring the sustainability and broader adoption of the project’s outputs.
Project Activities
WP1: Project management and coordination
WP2: Mapping of best practices & Review of target groups’ needs
WP3: Design a Train-the-Trainers programme
WP4: Teacher Training and co-creation of educational material
WP5: Pilot Implementation (activities with the students)
WP6: Impact and Dissemination
Project Partners
- Eurocultura
- Firda
- Universita degli Studi di Trento
- Fundacion Canonica Autonoma Marcelo Gangoiti
- Ammattiopisto LUOVI
- Haridus- ja teadusministeerium