ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-FORWARD - Partnerships for Innovation - Forward Looking Projects
1/11/2023 – 31/10/2025 (24 months)
783.403,00 €
Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain
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The PacTS4ALL project aims to coordinate tourism-related upskilling and reskilling initiatives, including the European Commission’s Pact for Skills for Tourism, launched in 2020 as part of the European Skills Agenda. The Large-Scale Skills Partnership (LSP) in tourism has been running for almost two years since its inception, successfully organizing approximately 14 coordination meetings at the time of writing and reaching out to almost 80 signatories that have expressed their interest in working together to achieve better upskilling and reskilling conditions for the tourism workforce in Europe.
The Pact for Skills Management Committee, consisting of five organizations, and project managers from major EU-funded tourism training projects have united to enhance coordination. The PacTS4ALL project provides the necessary resources and space to address current and future upskilling needs in the European tourism industry. It aims to involve key tourism training organizations and values the contributions of all LSP signatories, seeking to expand its reach across Europe.
Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, under the Forward Looking call, Lot 2 Priority 7, PacTS4ALL supports initiatives closely related to the Pact for Skills, aligning with the goals of the Tourism LSP and the broader ecosystem it serves.
Objectives of the project
The objectives of the PacTS4All project are:
- Innovative initiatives with a strong impact on education and training reforms in the tourism ecosystem, including long-term recommendations and policy Contributing to the strengthening of Europe’s innovation capacity by promoting innovation in education and training.
- Creating systemic change through fostering innovation at both practice and policy-level.
- Support forward-looking ideas focusing on key topics and priorities at EU level, with a clear potential to be mainstreamed in the tourism ecosystem but also transferred to others.
- Elaborates innovative, ground-breaking educational methods and practices and/or transfer of innovation: ensuring at EU level a sustainable exploitation of innovative project results and/or transferability into different contexts and audiences.
- Transmission of activities, results, concepts, initiatives to the stakeholders national and across EU through pilot actions on their integral implementation in several countries and regions of Europe
Expected Results
The PacTS4All project is expected to deliver the following key results:
- Innovative initiatives with a significant impact on education and training reforms in the tourism ecosystem, offering long-term recommendations and policy enhancements.
- Strengthening Europe’s innovation capacity by promoting advancements in education and training.
- Creating systemic change by fostering innovation at both practical and policy levels.
- Supporting forward-looking ideas focused on key EU priorities with clear potential for mainstreaming within the tourism ecosystem and transferring to other sectors.
- Developing groundbreaking educational methods and practices, ensuring sustainable exploitation and transferability of innovative project results across various contexts and audiences at the EU level.
- WP1: Project Management – QA – Evaluation
- WP2: Coordination of the Pact for Skills in Tourism LSP
- WP3: Cooperation systems improvement at European, national and regional level
- WP4: Visibility and Communication of the LSP Tourism
- WP5: Offering hands-on solutions to generate long-term impact and sustainability in the VET sector