Smart Training Education Platform (STEP 3) – 30 Training Modules
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
01/2022 - 02/2023 (24 months)
181.245,00 €
Germany, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain
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Defining vocational education and training (VET) strategies for the future often happens in turbulent times. The COVID-19 pandemic created a new economic crisis and increased social inequalities. In particular, the pandemic had a damaging effect on VET students, learners, teachers and trainers, companies and apprentices, and workers. The pandemic is not over, yet already millions of workers lost their jobs and will need to be reskilled and upskilled for digital transition in the labour market.
STEP 3 project is an answer to the challenges related to the rapid transition to new forms of e-training in the VET environment.
The 30 new training modules developed during the project, are going to support the digital upskilling of VET trainers/teachers and tutors. The digital upskilling is going to be made within the DigiComp Framework (DigiComp2), covering all 5 areas of the Framework, namely:
- Information and Data Literacy (VET Teachers/trainers) – 5 modules
- Communication and collaboration (all target groups) – 8 modules
- Creation of Digital Content (all target groups) – 7 modules
- Safety (VET Teachers/trainers and Tutors) – 5 modules
- Problem-solving in digital environments (all target groups) – 5 modules
Objectives of the project
In the STEP3 project, the following objectives are being addressed:
O1: Reinforce the ability of VET providers to provide high-quality, inclusive digital education.
O2: Provide new upskilling OER (30 in total) for VET Teachers, Trainers.
O3: Building capacity to VET providers to implement online, blended and distance teaching and learning
O4: Development of high-quality digital content, promoting innovative methods and tools for e-teaching and e-learning for the members of the two VET Umbrella Organizations and available for all
O5: Promotion and delivery of networking opportunities among VET providers, achieved through the participation of the two largest VET Umbrella Organizations that team together (EVBB and EVTA)
O6: Development of tailor-made solutions adaptable at a Regional/Local level O3: Provide VET educators with the latest technology collaborative tools
O4: Raising awareness and fostering the European VET institutions with a new learning method, characterised by a student-centred approach and active learning
Expected Results
The following results (R) are going to be achieved during and after the STEP 3 project is going to include:
- A better understanding of the actual needs of VET Teachers and Trainers (including the VET Institutions they are representing) since EVBB and EVTA in total have more than 100 VET Institutions as members, from 34 different EU countries
- Easier access to training modules for the upskilling of the digital skills and competencies of Teachers and Trainers.
- Better quality of learning content, complying with the development of the OER with DigiComp, the EU Framework for Digital Competences.
- Increase the learning experience for the VET learners, who are going to enjoy a better e-learning environment and better training solutions/techniques that will help them to be more competent in their professional life.
- Increase the accessibility to the OER through the large networking potentials emerging from the collaboration of two of the main VET Umbrella Organizations (EVBB and EVTA)
Project Activities
In STEP3, the following activities are going to be implemented during the project’s lifecycle:
- Project, Quality, and Financial Management activities
- Dissemination Activities
- IO2: Design and delivery of the O.E.R. of STEP 3:
- IO2/A1: Definition of Learning Objectives, where we are going to answer the question of “what will the participants have learned after the completion of the training using the OER?
- IO2/A2: Preparation of training modules for an e-portfolio of OER for VET teachers
- IO2/A3: Design the MOOC platform & uploading of the material
- IO2/A4: Incorporation of MooCs in the operation of the Umbrella Organizations
- C1:Short-term joint staff training events