Erasmus + KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
01/09/2023 - 28/02/2026 (30 months)
250.000,00 €
Portugal, Greece, Ukraine, Estonia, Italy
Visit the Project's Website
The “VERFISUM – Virtual Escape Room: Future Jobs Integration – Supporting Ukraine and Migrants” project aims to address a major issue that is present in nowadays society which the Covid-19 pandemic and recent war helped to make more visible, like the access to qualified employment for people with disadvantage backgrounds such as geographical needs (e.g. rural areas) or social and economic difficulties. This problem is being enlarged by the migratory situation Europe is facing, yet with migrants from the middle-east region, but now in a more demanding way with migration inside Europe (from Ukraine). The dropout rates although having decreased in most European in the last years are still very high, and with prevision to increase in the next years again, especially among this population.
Therefore, the main priority to address is a sectorial one “Contributing to innovation in Vocational and Educational Training” since our project is mainly focused in VET learning and providers using innovative deliverables developed throughout the project as well as new approaches and methodologies, in line with the European principles of inclusion also in line with other priority we have (Horizontal: “Inclusion and diversity in all fields of Education”. We also have another relevant priority, namely “Supporting response of European Education and Training Systems to the war in Ukraine”, where we hope to help both by having a Ukrainian partner that is in the field and that has the contacts and stakeholders, but also by having a response to the thousands of Ukrainians migrants that need to be supported in their social, education and labour integration.
Objectives of the project
- Enhance the new skills of the learners and trainers
- Promote social and labour inclusion of migrants
- Develop innovative educational materials that can be incorporated in formal and non-formal courses
- Promote a digital and green approach to learning and work
- Ensure a more long-lasting initiative after its initial phase, disseminate findings and encourage an impact both within and outside of participants
Expected Results
The implementation of the project will lead to the following results
- An Educational Toolbox;
- An Escape Room Storytelling with AI ethics and trustworthy study;
- A Virtual Escape Room to be used in VET sector towards employment;
- Pedagogical Guidelines for usage of these materials in formal learning/training context;
Project Activities
The project activities are:
Development of Educational materials for learners, trainers and providers (Audiovisual Educational Resources; Escape Room Storytelling; AI ethics; Virtual Escape Room, Pedagogical Guidelines)
- Learning/training activity for learners