Virtual Exchanges of Active Citizens
01/07/2023 - 30/06/2026 (36 months)
474,644 €
VirtuEU 101111907
Albania, Greece, Germany, Kosovo, Montenegro, Portugal
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VirtuEu is an international Virtual Exchange program designed to involve more than 2,500 students from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in EU Member States and Western Balkan Countries. Its goal is to foster active citizenship and civic engagement. The VirtuEu consortium comprises nine HEIs from Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Portugal, along with an umbrella Vocational Education and Training (VET) organization, EVBB, which will facilitate the participation of young students from other European nations. Reflecting the European ethos of active citizenship and civic engagement, VirtuEu has developed a curriculum consisting of 11 courses, along with introductory and cultural activities. These will be delivered through an existing MOOC platform operated by one of the partners.
Objectives of the project
O1: To provide new teaching and learning approaches, within the framework of virtual education and training, to HEI’s
O2: To increase engagement of youth at all levels of civic participation, and become able to embrace their role as the main driver group of social change
O3: To strengthen universal and European values, promote at the same time the European way of thinking and living among citizens of Europe and Western Balkan Countries
O4: To provide young people with opportunities and means to express themselves and their opinions, become active and contribute to the community
O5: To ensure equal participation in multicultural extra-curriculum activities of youth regardless their
demographics, social back-ground and/or any socio-economic obstacles.
O6: To increase capacity and collaboration among education actors (HEIs), in order to achieve their role as
shapers of young people in more than one dimensions (academic, civic, societal, individual, etc).
Expected Results
- Increase the participation levels of young people in the partners’ countries
- Provide young people with opportunities and means to express themselves and their opinions, become active and contribute to the community
- Provide new teaching and learning approaches, within the framework of virtual education and training, activities
- 2.500 students from Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, and EU States (Portugal, Greece, Germany and others) will participate in the Virtual Exchanges
- 250 experienced facilitators will be trained on the developed and validated curriculum
- Approximately 10.000 other students will be receivers of the key messages of the project.
- Development of a network of 50 stakeholders
Project Activities
- PM & FM Handbook
- Design of Training Curriculum
- Virtual Cultural activities
- Train the facilitators on Active Citizenship Curriculum “VirtuEu”
- Virtual exchanges
Project Partners
- European Education Initiative
- International Business College Mitrovica
- Kolegji Universum O.P
- Mitropolitiko College
- Albanian University
- Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana
- Univerzitet Mediteran Podgorica Privatna Ustanova
- Universidade de Aveiro