From the 4th to the 6th of July, the partners of the Tour-X project had the opportunity to meet in the kick-off meeting of the project that took place in the Golden Age Hotel in Athens, Greece.
AKMI SA, the coordinator organization of the project hosted the meeting and Mr. Rodopoulos, AKMI’s president warmly welcomed the participants. A welcome note by the Greek Minister of Tourism, Mr. Kikilias followed, while the Governor of Attica, Mr. Patoulis sent his own message through a video.
The 23 partners of the TOUR-X project represent Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, and China. The participants spent 3 days of meeting and exchanging views on how to better collaborate on the ambitious project of Tour-X together. The Tour-X project brings together VET providers, Regional Authorities, Market representatives, Higher Educational Institutions, and 4 networks to bring excellence in the tourism sector on a regional and transnational level.