Introducing Augmented Reality in the VET Sector with a focus on the Automotive Engineering
KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
01/12/2023 - 30/11/2026 (36 months)
400,000 €
Italy, Greece, Germany, Slovakia, Portugal, Sweden
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DigiGEAR – Introducing Augmented Reality in the VET sector with a focus on the Automotive Engineering sector aims at making a significant impact in the VET field introducing AR technology as a complement to the traditional classroom-based training. To achieve this, we aim to develop an AR platform and accompanying training materials, followed by a pilot phase to ensure effectiveness. Practical experience is vital in technical fields like Automotive Engineering. Therefore, our objective is to provide learners with a safe and controlled environment to gain hands-on experience, thus improving the overall effectiveness of VET. Furthermore, we aim to raise awareness about the benefits of VET and promote the use of AR technologies in education and training. By showcasing the advantages of this approach, we aim to address shared needs and foster innovation in the sector. In parallel, we envision establishing a robust network of VET providers and industry partners to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Objectives of the project
Our main objective is to Train the New Generation of Automotive Engineers.
More specifically,
O1: Innovate in VET
O2: Caliber learning materials
O3: Enhance quality in VET
O4: Enhance awareness on AR
O5: Promote knowledge-sharing
O6: Improve employability
O7: Make AR technologies accessible to learners
O8: Enhance appeal of VET
O9: Extract strengths and weaknesses of AR pilot application in educational settings
Expected Results
- An Emerging Skills Report
- A Gaps in current F2F Laboratories Report
- DigiGEAR Training Package including AR scenarios
- A Facilitator’s Training Handbook for the AR experience and guidance
- 4 Pilot Trainings
- 50 VET tutors/ facilitators trained
- 100 learners participated in pilot testing
- An AR platform and AR Mobile app
- A Moodle platform
- 4 VET Institutions adopting AR scenarios
- Lessons Learnt Report on the AR experience
- Dissemination Plan
Project Activities
There are 26 Activities including:
- Identification of emerging skills for the Automotive Engineering sector
- Development of the Facilitator’s Training Handbook on AR experience
- Design and development of DigiGEAR Training for VET learners of the Automotive Engineering sector
- Development of a Moodle platform, an AR environment and Mobile app
- 4 pilot testing and training activities in SW, GR, PT, SL
- 1 facilitators’ training on AR experience in SW
- 4 TPMs
- 6 Events
- 1 Round Table