Inclusive and Innovative Pedagogies for Educators
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
11/2020 - 10/2022 (24 months)
Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Sweden
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The world is changing fast and it is vital that education keeps pace. Yet, at a time when innovation is most needed, the world of education is lagging: only 38% of recent entrants to the education sector believe their school/college is adept at adopting innovations, new knowledge or methods (Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation, OECD, 2016). INACT will support educators to rise to the challenge, helping them transform their teaching methods and bring learning to life through innovative and inclusive learning spaces and helping them to create inclusive, innovative and genuinely engaging learning experiences for all their students. The project specifically targets vocational education teachers and trainers in post-secondary schools/colleges and continuing VET but given our partnership profile, INACT is also likely to cause positive impact for educators and managers in Adult and Higher Education too.
Objectives of the project
- Providing educators with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in pedagogic innovation, helping them to create inclusive, innovative and genuinely engaging learning experiences for all their students.
- Creating 3 new resources to increase educators’ ability to use differentiated instruction, employ innovative pedagogic approaches and harness technology to improve learning outcomes.
- Rigorously researching and testing each resource with at least 60 direct participants to optimise relevancy and effectiveness for educators across Europe as possible.
- Carrying out a strategic and differentiated dissemination campaign to ensure at least 550 educators, managers and stakeholders understand and use the resources in the short term.
Expected Main Results
The results described below derive from all project activities.
Access training on inclusive and innovative pedagogic strategies for vocational education teachers and trainers which will help them create differentiated and creative learning spaces for their students
Improvement of learning outcomes for students from all backgrounds and more innovative, forward-looking European educational institutions who are better equipped to address and respond to diversity and disadvantage
Empowering and upskilling thousands of innovative teachers having a tangible impact on policy goals via innovations in pedagogic strategies and achieves key milestones towards the European Digital Education Action Plan.
60 teachers and trainers will be involved closely in the testing of the Online Course and subsequently it will be used by at least 400 educators in the field.
60 participants will be involved closely in the development of the Compendium and subsequently 400 educators and at least 150 managers of education institutions and wider stakeholders will download and use the tool.
60 participants will be involved closely in the development of the Toolbox and subsequently 400 educators, and more than 150 managers of education institutions and wider stakeholders will download and use the toolbox.
Project Activities
- Intellectual Output 1: Differentiated Instruction for Inclusive Classrooms: The aim of the IO1 is to introduce educators to “differentiated instruction” as a structured approach to proactively cater for student diversity via a comprehensive, user-friendly course that allows educators from across Europe to access free, online learning training.
- Intellectual Output 2: Innovative Pedagogies for Creative Classrooms – Good Practice Compendium: The aim of the IO2 is to broaden and deepen educators’ skillset and understanding of what is possible in terms of innovation and creativity by showcasing and providing guidance on the most effective pedagogic approaches in fields such as experiential learning, learning through games, collaborative learning etc.
- Intellectual Output 3: Education 4.0 Digital Toolbox: The aim of the IO3 is to empower educators to understand and harness the next generation of digital tools, putting technological solutions at the service of pedagogy and boost their differentiated and innovative teaching.