Erasmus + KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2026 (36 months)
400.000,00 €
Germany, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Denmark
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Start- Digital-Sustainable-Profitable project will enable HEI Entrepreneurship Educators to promote digital business models and technologies as well as sustainable, social and ethical business practices to increase their relevance and social and ecological impact.
Across Europe, the potential impact of entrepreneurship education of HEIs in terms of socially and environmentally sustainable economic growth is not sufficiently exploited. Not least due to a lack of financial and human resources, HEIs are not able to adapt their teaching offerings in this regard to the high dynamics and complexity of the topic. In order to create impact, modern entrepreneurship education must not only teach basic management skills, but should also be able to convey the highly complex trends, for example in relation to disruptive digital technologies and at the same time teach approaches for environmentally and socially sustainable business. Studies suggest that goals and pedagogical approaches to teaching entrepreneurship need to be rethought and updated to fully realize the potentials of Entrepreneurship Education at HEIs. They must provide an environment that is in tune with the times and technological developments and that is able to impart management knowledge, transversal skills but also digital, social and ecological aspects. Entrepreneurship education does not only benefit people who want to pursue a career in science, technology or business. Students today face an uncertain future filled with complicated geopolitical, social and environmental challenges. In recent years, increasing globalisation, liberalisation but also technological and social transitions have increased the demand for entrepreneurial skills and led to a dramatically changed skill set needed.
Objectives of the project
- Accelerate the Impact of HEI Entrepreneurship Education on the Green and Digital Twin Transition, Innovation and sustainable Economic Growth
- Operationalise the Green-, Digital- and EntreComp Frameworks in a state of the Art Higher Education Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum (ECTS)
- Develop modular educational resources promoting Green and Digital Business Models / sustainable business practices backed with comprehensive background information for educators
- Professionalise and innovate HEI Entrepreneurship Education through comprehensive additional background information, guidelines and tools for entrepreneurial universities and through innovative additional digital resources
Expected Results
The implementation of the project will lead to the following results:
- Development of a profound toolbox for entrepreneurial universities to professionalise Entrepreneurship Education
- Development of an adapted Green and Digital Entrepreneurship Competence Framework operationalising the relevant areas of the Green-, Digi- and EntreComp Frameworks
- Development of a Modular COURSE CURRICULUM
- Development of a Full Classroom Course (incl. Educators Packages and Student-Materials)
- Development of an innovative Green and Digital Business Model Assessment allowing to analyse Business Models and provide detailed individualized feedback
- Development of a digital knowledge hub serving as a digital dissemination and exchange platform and containing
Project Activities
2. Entrepreneurial University Educators Package and Toolbox
3. Competence Framework, Curriculum and Educational Resources
4. DSP-Ready Assessment APP & Knowledge Hub
5. Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation